What is DVT

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a disease that occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein. These clots usually form in the leg, thigh, or hip and can also form in the arm.


Who is at high risk of getting DVT

Prolonged immobility, Recent surgery or injury, Age Older than 70 years, Active cancer patients, Seriously ill patients admitted to the ICU, Past history of DVT, and taking birth control pills can increase the risk of DVT


What are the symptoms of DVT?

Swelling in the affected leg, often in the calf or thigh. Warmth and redness in the affected area.


What are the symptoms of DVT?

Pain or tenderness in the affected leg, which may worsen when walking or standing. Visible veins in the affected leg.


How is DVT diagnosed?

DVT is typically diagnosed using an ultrasound or venogram. These imaging tests allow doctors to visualize the blood flow in the affected area and determine if a blood clot is present.


How is DVT treated?

Treatment for DVT typically involves blood thinners, which can help prevent the blood clot from growing or breaking off and traveling to the lungs. In some patients, surgery may be necessary to remove the blood clot.


DVT Exercises

Exercise is an effective way to manage DVT symptoms and reduce the risk of future blood clots. Some of the most effective exercises for DVT include: Walking, Leg exercises such as leg lifts, ankle rotations, and calf raises can help improve circulation in the legs & Yoga


DVT Prophylaxis: Preventing Deep Vein Thrombosis, Treatment, Home Care & Exercises