9 Cluster Headache Home Remedy: Should Try At Home (2023)

What Is a Cluster Headache?

Before the cluster headache home remedy, we’ll first look at what is a cluster headache. A cluster headache is a very painful headache that occurs in clusters. You go through periods of headache attacks followed by headache-free periods. Cluster headache is a rare but very debilitating condition that affects about 0.1% of the population.

The characteristic is episodes of repeated, severe headache attacks lasting about 15 minutes to 3 hours, at a time are episodic in about 80% of cases meaning that a month or more can pass between two consecutive attacks, while the remaining 20% have no such breaks and are chronic. Chronic cluster periods may continue for more than a year, with only a short remission period.

cluster headache

 Cluster headaches are usually very different from other types of headaches. They can be severe and often require medical attention. Although cluster headaches can be very painful, but some cluster headache home remedy can be very useful.

Symptoms of Cluster Headachesymptoms of cluster headache

  •  A headache that starts without any warning and often wakes you up at night,
  • Headache that starts at the same time each day or at the same time each year
  • Discomfort or restlessness,
  • Multiple severe headaches lasting 15 minutes to 3 hours within a 24-hour period,
  • A severe headache that occurs behind the eye or on one side of the face,
  • Swelling of the eyes or face,
  • Redness of the eyes and tearing on the side of the face where the headache began,
  • Rhinitis or stuffy nose on the affected side,
  • Constant pain during an attack that’s described as burning or piercing. (1)

What Causes Cluster Headache?

Scientists are still working to find out what causes cluster headaches. Many different theories have been put forward and continue to be tested. A headache occurs when a nerve pathway at the base of the brain called the trigeminal autonomic reflex pathway is activated.

This cranial nerve (trigeminal) is responsible for sensations in the face, so when activated it causes eye pain, the main symptom of cluster headaches. The activated trigeminal nerve also stimulates another group of nerves that causes other cluster headache symptoms such as watery and red eyes, nasal congestion, and discharge.

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Cluster headaches are not caused by underlying brain conditions, like a tumor or aneurysm, but they do seem to come from the hypothalamus, a section of the brain that governs physiological functions. Some studies have suggested that the hypothalamus is activated during a cluster attack.

Cluster Headache Home Remedy

There are several cluster headache home remedy that can be used:

1] Capsaicin Cream

  • Apply a small amount of capsaicin cream to the inside of your nostril (the same side as the pain). The main ingredient in capsaicin cream is cayenne pepper which blocks nerve pain signals. Topical capsaicin cream, which is available without a prescription, can be used as cluster headache home remedy.
  • According to scientists it works by stimulating nerve fibers that sense pain and altering the substances it uses to transmit pain signals to the brain. (2)

2] kudzu extract

  • More than 70 phytochemicals have been identified in kudzu root, of which Isoflavonoids Puerarin, and triterpenoids are the main components that are useful in various health conditions.
kudzu extract-cluster headache home remedy
Kudzu Plant Roots
  • Kudzu extract has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various conditions, including headaches. It is derived from the root of the kudzu plant, which is native to Asia. The extract contains a compound called Puerarin, which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
  • In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the potential benefits of kudzu extract for cluster headaches. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that kudzu extract was effective in reducing the frequency and intensity of cluster headaches in rats.
  • Another study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that kudzu extract was effective in reducing the number and duration of cluster headache attacks in humans.

How Does Kudzu Extract Work?

  • The exact mechanism by which kudzu extract works to relieve cluster headaches is not yet fully understood. However, it is believed that the compound Puerarin may play a role in reducing inflammation and improving blood flow to the brain.
  • It may also have a calming effect on the hypothalamus, which is believed to be involved in the development of cluster headaches.

How to Use Kudzu Extract for Cluster Headache?

  • Kudzu extract is available in various forms, including capsules, tablets, and tinctures. It is important to note that kudzu extract is not regulated by the FDA, and there is limited scientific research on its safety and efficacy. Therefore, it is essential to consult with a healthcare provider before using kudzu extract for cluster headache.
  • If you and your healthcare provider decide to try kudzu extract, it is recommended to start with a low dose and gradually increase as needed. It is also important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and avoid exceeding the recommended dose.

According to a study published in 2009 people who used kudzu extract for cluster headaches found that they have decreased intensity of symptoms & can be used effectively as cluster headache home remedy.

  • BACKGROUND: Many cluster headache patients take kudzu extract (OTC) in the belief that it will help their cluster headache attacks. The actual effectiveness of kudzu has not been studied.
  • METHODS: A database of patients with cluster headache was queried for their use of various alternative therapies for cluster headache. Of the 235 patients identified, 16 who took kudzu root agreed to be interviewed and provided medical records.
  • RESULTS: A total of 11 (69%) patients had a reduction in the intensity of the attack, 9 (56%) patients had a reduction in frequency, and 5 (31%) patients had a reduction in duration with minimal side effects.
  • In conclusion, kudzu extract shows promising potential as a natural solution for managing cluster headaches. While more research is needed to fully understand its efficacy and safety, the existing studies suggest that it may be a viable alternative to traditional treatments.

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3] Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

  • Vitamin B2 deficiency can lead to nerve damage and inflammation, both of which increase the severity of cluster headaches. Vitamin B2 has also been shown to decrease the intensity and recurrence of cluster headaches & can be used as cluster headache home remedy.
  • In a 2004 study published in the European Journal of Neurology, patients who took 400 mg of vitamin B2 capsules daily had fewer headaches than before taking the supplement. (3)

4] Melatonin

  • Melatonin is a hormone that the body uses to regulate sleep patterns. Melatonin levels have been shown to decrease in cluster headache patients, and insufficient secretion of melatonin may predispose patients to headache attacks.
  • Taking a melatonin supplement at a dose of 10 to 25 mg at bedtime can help prevent cluster headaches. However, melatonin therapy may be less effective in patients with chronic cluster headaches.

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5] Magnesium

  • The next cluster headache home remedy is Magnesium. People with cluster headaches often have low levels of magnesium in their blood and may need magnesium supplements or injections.

magnesium sources- cluster headache home remedy

  • Therefore, you may consider taking a magnesium supplement or including magnesium-rich foods in your diet such as spinach, pumpkin seeds, yogurt, almonds, black beans, avocado, and bananas, etc.
  • If you are considering taking a magnesium supplement, please check with your doctor first.

6] Breathing Exercises

  • The next important cluster headache home remedy is Breathing Exercises. Oxygen therapy is one of the most important treatments for cluster headaches. Getting more oxygen into your blood can calm your body and help you deal with pain.

breathing exercise- cluster headache home remedy

  • Deep, rhythmic breathing allows more oxygen to enter the brain, relieves pain during headache attacks, and allows the body to rest. (4)

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7]Ginger tea

  • The next important cluster headache home remedy is Ginger Tea. Ginger acts as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • It also works by acting on vanilloid receptors to reduce pain and relieve nausea, which can be a symptom of severe cluster headache attacks. Drinking ginger tea once or twice a day can ease the symptoms of a cluster headache.

8]Essential oil

  • This next cluster headache home remedy have been used for centuries to treat headaches, especially peppermint, lavender, and rose essential oils. Known to relieve headaches, increase energy, release tense muscles and improve mental focus.
  • Before and during a cluster headache attack, apply two to three drops of oil topically to the temples, back of the neck, and bottoms of the feet.(5)


  • Last and the most important cluster headache home remedy is Exercises. Daily exercise can reduce stress and improve blood circulation.
  • Exercising at least 30 minutes a day can prevent headaches. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, or happy hormones, which block pain signals in the brain and relieves cluster headache.

exercise- cluster headache home remedy

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Differential Diagnosis: Cluster Headache vs Migraine

It can be difficult to distinguish between a cluster headache and a migraine at first. However, there are several ways to differentiate between these types of headaches as:

Cluster Headache Migraine
More intense Last long
1 to 8 attacks per day 1 to 10 attacks per month
Lasts 15 min to 3 hours Lasts up to 72 hours
One-sided and around the eyes One or both sided
Sufferers appear restless until the pain passes Sufferers prefer to rest in a dark room until the pain passes
Occurs mostly in males This occurs mostly in females

When to See a Doctor

If you suffer from headache that doesn’t go away, severe or getting worse day by day; discuss your symptoms and treatment plans with your family physician. Your doctor can recommend an appropriate treatment for you.

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